God Could Send Thousand of Angels

“Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” Matthew 26:53

When Jesus was on the cross, whole armies of angels could’ve come to His rescue if He’d called for them.

Maybe the thing that made God most proud was that Jesus didn’t call for the angel armies.

Jesus chose to stay on the cross and not be rescued so we could be rescued instead and go to heaven when we die.

Grow Your Faith:

How hard is it to let our children go through terrible pain? Everything in us wants to make it stop—or to take their place. God let His Son suffer so that many more sons and daughters could live with Him. How great is the Father’s love for us!

Grow Your Child’s Faith:

Jesus chose to die on the cross to take our punishment for us. God the Father could have sent mighty angels to save Jesus, but they agreed on their plan and stuck to it. How hard it must have been to be so powerful and not take action!

Dear Father, I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for You to watch Jesus die. It must’ve been terrible for You to not send those angels to save Jesus. But thank You for what came out of all that pain. Amen.

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